Wednesday, September 08, 2010


 Welcome to Zonotopia
 Zomes are zonohedral domes. Zomes are different, more beautiful and more functional than geodesic domes. In addition to being derived from higher dimensional geometry my Zomes embody an organic and spiritual nature which all people identify with. 
zome mani padme zome
Rob Bell

The forgoing text was the introductory page in a journal book placed inside of the Zonotopia Zome. During the entire week of Burningman 2010 the journal book provided a place for people to express themselves and write their thoughts about the zome and their playa experiences.

On the blustery, rainy Saturday afternoon of August 28th, Patricia and I were on the playa at the spot which was to become Zonotopia for the next eight days. Amazingly, everything for both structures fit on my Tacoma and a small flat-bed trailer.

Sunday morning we began. We received fantastic placement, just behind the temple in sight of the Man.

Chris K. Palmer, a fellow Zome enthusiast and geometer showed up to assist with the assembly. Here we are organizing parts and soaping the joints.

In short order we had the base ring and bench supports layed out.

Ominous storm clouds loomed as we proceeded past the equator. The custom interlocking wooden panel and connector system performed very well.

We received help and encouragement from friends and passersby.

It turned out to be a beautiful day to build on the playa - not too hot, it never rained and it wasn't too windy.

After about six hours or hard physical work fatigue and hunger began setting in. Help arrived in the form of the Mission Country Club, our friends and campmates who arrived like a calvary come to save the day.

Here we see two expert joint soapers, soaping the connectors with ivory soap. I do believe we had the freshest smelling structure on the playa!

While the soapers soaped other friends assembled last years zome, The Bodhisattva Zome. It was awesome to see it spring to life again on the playa.

It was a great feeling to see so many people happily engaged in my Zome building madness.

The Zonotopia Zome lent it's topmost rhombuses to help loft the Bodhisattva star.

Meanwhile, back at the big zome work proceeded every inwards and upwards. Here I am persuading one of the rhombs into it's proper position.

Like clockwork, around and around, twelve rhombs per revolution the Zonotopia Zome wound it's way toward it's central focus.

Two point two tons of thanks to the Mission Country Club for coming out and creating a wonderful zome building party on the playa.

The sun was setting and we still had two rows to go. We were also reaching the 'do not sit or stand' portion of our ladder. Alex, our campmate, friend and Black Rock City Ranger called in for support from Heavy Machinery. Help was on the way!

Here I am in the basket with all the remaining rhombs while Chris helps from the inside wearing his lucky zome hat. The machine operator was able to move me around the structure with surgical dexterity.

At last an orange moon rose above the horizon, after a long day of zome building, we had only the last row of rhombs to go. Time to call it quits for the evening, get some sleep and continue in the morning.

Early the next morning I finished the final row of rhombs and placed the summit flame. The Zome was finished!

As people emerged from the temple they saw this: Zonotopia.  For eight days, there were two complimentary Zomes adorning the playa with graceful architecture and craftsmanship. A manifestation of mathematics, design and simplicity in order to provide a space for experiences to happen.

 And Happen they did...

...there were unexpected meetings of beautiful friends at sunrise...

...there were weddings...

...there were thousands of smiles...

...there were good friends full of love and laughter...

...there was firedancing...

...there were ceremonies and prayers....

...there were men with zome hats spreading polyhedral cheer...

...there was yoga...

...there were portals which framed amazing art...

...there was dancing in dust storms...

...and most of all there was Love.

Welcome to my Spaceship, Beautiful Forever.

zome mani padme zome
Rob Bell


Kevin said...

Rob, Your numbers create the most beautiful Art!

ms trouble said...

This math teacher LOVED your work. Thank you!

The Renegade Master said...

These structures are absolutely gorgeous! I just build my first dome at Burning Man this year, and happened upon yours while examining other structures on the playa. Is there someplace on the web where I can learn more about the geometry behind this? I've been wondering if there's a way to make a structure which spirals in only one direction to cause the dust to curve around it.

Zomad said...

Thank you one an all.

@Renegade - indeed yes. Begin here.

-Rob Bell

Gabby said...

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Gabby said...

sorry for the blip - reposting:

It's great!! Thanks for showing us what you've made! from upstairs on Alabama St

Nelson said...

It´s great, absolutely gorgeous...!!!
I would like to built a zome for me in wood to practice yoga.
It´s possible to give me some information?
Some plans..
All the best
Nelson ( Portugal )

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The orbs liked yr process;-) Nighttime pict; this box seems not to accept posted photos, but caption says: Here I am in the basket with all the remaining rhombs while Chris helps from the inside wearing his lucky zome hat.

shilo said...

Hi! I'm shilo, a medical student writing an article on chronic pain and i would really like to illustrate a point using one photo from your site. I found it on this page, the first photo with a man on the dome blocking the sun. may i have your permission to put it in the article, of course giving credit and reference to you.
